Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thanks Everyone who donated at Spengler's!

There is a jar a Spengler's Restaurant (where I work) that people can put money in to donate to Ethan's Gift. I had thought people would just put their spare change in but I was wrong many people put more than just their spare change in it! So thanks to everyone who donated at Spengler's you know who you are!!!! Also thanks to Jim Holmen who gave me a donation while I was working today! With this money I was able to get 14 preemie sleepers and 10 preemie onesies! Thanks again everyone! If anyone works some place that would let us put a jar up by their register please let me know!

Thanks Bonnie Martin!

A big thanks goes to Bonnie Martin for making a monetary donation to Ethan's Gift!!! With her donation I was able to get 6 preemie onesies, and 6 preemie sleepers! Thanks again Bonnie!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thanks Miss Jamie!!!

A big thanks goes to Miss Jamie a good friend of ours who made a monetary donation to Ethan's Gift!!! With her donation I was about to buy 6 preemie sleepers and 6 preemie onesies! THANKS SO MUCH MISS JAMIE!!!

Thanks to Children's Medical Ventures

Children's Medical Ventures Donated 100 WeeSoothie pacifiers to Ethan's Gift!! Thanks so much! Children's Medical Ventures specializes in different supportive products for babies in the NICU! Visit their site at

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ethan would like to Thank his Great-Grandma!

Ethan's Great-Grandma Vajen Donated $10 to Ethan's Gift. With that $10 I was about to get 8 onesies all preemie size! Thanks again to Ethan's Great-Grandma!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thanks donated 15 adorable onesies! Visit their website at they have really onesies with really cute sayings! Thanks again RockinBabyGifts!


A reporter from Fox Toledo came over to our home and visited with us and did a wonderful interview that was on their 4pm news program and AGAIN at the 10pm news program! Thanks Fox Toledo for helping us get the word out!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thanks NamelyNewborns!

Thanks so much they donated 2 cute diaper clutches, 3 blankets, and 2 jackets! Visit and if you order for Ethan's Gift put in the code baby for a 10% discount!