Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thanks Tiny Revolutionary!!!

Tiny Revolutionary donated 6 onesies and 4 T-shirts to us!! Thanks so much to them! They make some really cute clothes check their site our at

Thanks sent as a wonderful package of things for Ethan's Gift these things include:
  • 3 bottle brushes
  • 6 four ounce bottles
  • 2 three-packs of 8 ounce bottles
  • 3 Pacifier Holders
  • 6 two-packs Nuc Pacifiers
  • 5 fruit teethers
  • 2 two-pack Avent pacifiers
  • 2 two-packs of socks
  • 2 pairs of shoes
  • 2 Sponge Bob Bath mitts
  • 3 three-pack t-shirts
  • 2 five-pack onesies
  • 1 cooler
  • 5 Abdomen Binders
    Thanks so much!!!!! This means so much to us! Visit

Thanks Kristen Peterson!

Kristen Peterson donated 6 preemie sized Swaddle Me! Thanks so much Kristen! When Ethan was in the hospital I had a Swaddle Me and I just loved it. I know other families will also like them as well!

Thanks Archbold Tax and Accounting!!

Thanks Archbold Tax and Accounting for helping me make Ethan's Gift a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION! I have confidence that everything we will not have a problem and we will be a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION in no time! Thanks again!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thanks Fill in the Blankie!!!

Thank you so much Fill in the Blankie for sending us 30 new blankets! This will help so many NICU families! And you support means so much to my family! Visit Fill in the Blankie at They personalize blankets!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thanks Carter's!

Cater's has sent us a large donation of onesies! That all say "Made with Love" How cute! Thanks so much to Carter's! Visit Carter's website

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thanks Text Message Baby

Thanks so much to Text Message Baby who donated 24 onesies to Ethan's Gift!!! Visit Text Message Baby at If you want to order from them for Ethan's Gift order before Feb. 14th and use the code CUPID for 15% off! Thanks again Text message baby!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Noa Lily gave Ethan's Gift 36 Burp clothes and 18 receiving blanket! Thanks sooo much! Check out their website !

Thanks will give 20% off all our Preemie Merchandise for everyperson, who visits the site and enters the code: ETHAN. Thanks so much! Visit

Friday, January 16, 2009

Shana Martz ROCKS

Thanks so much to Shana who hand delivered five $10 gas cards to Ethan's gift! These gift cards with help NICU families be able to get to and from the hospital! Thanks AGAIN Shana!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I just want to say Thank You So Much to everyone who has send messages and has gotten in contact with me about donating things! You all have no idea how much this will mean to NICU families! Also if you want to do something for Ethan's gift but are unable to donate let me know and I will give you many different thing you can do! Thanks Again! and God Bless!

Elliot's Preemie Tees

Anyone who buys Preemie clothes for Ethan's Gift from Elliot's Preemie Tees In the comment section of you order type in Ethan's gift for 20% off

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Just a note I was in Wal-mart today in Napoleon and they have preemie onsises on sale for 75 cents, $2 and $3. Also they have preemie sleepers for around $6

Who Will Ethan's Gift Help

For now Ethan's gift will be given to parents that have babies in St Vincent's NICU. I chose this hospital because this is the hospital Ethan spent the first 3 months of life at, and I am forever thankful to them!

How YOU Can Help

Things that can be donated:

  • onsises (size--preemie newborn and 0-3 months)
  • sleepers NO ZIPPERS please (size--preemie newborn and 0-3 months)
  • hats
  • mittens
  • children's books
  • gas cards
  • blankets
  • disposable cameras
  • phone cards
  • journals (so parents can write things down as they happen)
  • Money--will be used to buy items on this list

New and used clothing and blankets will be taken! New will go to parents, Used will go to the NICU.

I have posted my address donations maybe sent there!

What is Ethan's Gift?

I know better than most that being a parent of a NICU baby is so very hard. My world was turned upside down, for weeks I did not know which end was up. When Ethan was born it was the scariest time in my life. We were not ready for him to be here, the only things we had for him was a car seat, and the stroller that came with it. Thanks to so many different people we had everything we needed when Ethan finally got to come home. Many NICU families are not as blessed as we are with such a great support system. This is why in honor of Ethan I am starting up a project I'm calling Ethan's gift. Ethan's gift will help NICU families have somethings that they will need for their child and hopefully will make them smile.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ethan's Story

Ethan John was born on July 10, 2008. He weighed 1lb 15 oz and 13 3/4 in. Ethan was born 12 weeks early. For the first 83 days he stayed at St. Vincent's NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit). Ethan has just turned 6 months old and is doing wonderful! He is growing like a weed and is now over 12lbs!
Read more about Ethan's story at