Things that can be donated:
- onsises (size--preemie newborn and 0-3 months)
- sleepers NO ZIPPERS please (size--preemie newborn and 0-3 months)
- hats
- mittens
- children's books
- gas cards
- blankets
- disposable cameras
- phone cards
- journals (so parents can write things down as they happen)
- Money--will be used to buy items on this list
New and used clothing and blankets will be taken! New will go to parents, Used will go to the NICU.
I have posted my address donations maybe sent there!
Hi, I am Shana Martz's boyfriends sister-in-law. My name is Amy Detmer. My little girl was a 32 week preemie. She was also at St. Vincent's. My husband, Dan and I, Loved Loved Loved that hospital and the NICU doctors and nurses. I think what you are doing is wondeful and we would love to help. I am sure we can come up with some of Karlee's preemie clothes that we don't want to keep. Good Luck, and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. My email address is